

Knitting is a craft that has been practiced for centuries and has evolved over time with different styles and techniques. One of these styles is European style knitting, which is known for its speed and efficiency.

European style knitting, also known as Continental knitting, is a method of holding the yarn and needles that differs from the more common English style. Instead of holding the yarn in the right hand and "throwing" it over the needle, in European style knitting the yarn is held in the left hand and "picked" with the needle.

This style of knitting is often favored by those who find it more comfortable, as it requires less movement of the right hand and wrist. It can also be faster than English style knitting once the knitter has become accustomed to the technique.

To knit in European style, the yarn is held in the left hand with the tail end draped over the index finger and the working yarn looped over the middle finger. The right needle is inserted into the stitch as usual, but instead of wrapping the yarn around the needle with the right hand, the left hand uses the middle finger to pick the working yarn and pull it through the stitch.

While this may feel awkward at first for those used to English style knitting, many find that European style knitting is more intuitive for certain types of stitches, such as purling or knitting continental-style ribbing.

Some tips for those learning European style knitting include practicing the technique slowly and deliberately, experimenting with different ways of holding the yarn and needle that feel comfortable, and being patient with oneself as the technique can take time to master.

Overall, European style knitting is a versatile and efficient technique that can be used for a variety of knitting projects. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced knitter, it is worth giving this style a try to see if it works for you.

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