**Herbal Tea Recipe for Prostate Health**

Prostate is a common condition among men that can significantly impact their quality of life. It can make daily activities challenging and lead to serious health issues. However, you can provide support against prostate problems with the benefits offered by natural herbs.

Here are some herbs commonly used to support prostate health:

1. **Celery Seed**: Celery seed is believed to have positive effects on prostate health. Its phytochemicals may protect prostate cells and reduce inflammation.

2. **Horsetail**: Horsetail supports urinary tract health and may assist with prostate issues. It also has protective effects against urinary tract infections.

3. **Nettle Leaf**: Nettle leaf could be a natural solution against urinary tract infections. It is also thought to have positive effects against prostate enlargement.

4. **Green Tea**: Green tea is a known beverage with antioxidant properties. It can be consumed to support prostate health.

To prepare the prostate tea, you can follow these steps:

- 1 teaspoon celery seeds
- 1 teaspoon horsetail
- 1 teaspoon nettle leaf
- 1 teaspoon green tea

1. Boil 2 cups of water.
2. Remove the boiling water from heat and add 1 teaspoon of green tea, 1 teaspoon of celery seeds, 1 teaspoon of dried nettle leaf, and 1 teaspoon of horsetail.
3. Stir the mixture once and let it steep covered for 5 minutes.
4. Once cooled, strain it and it's ready to drink.

Remember, natural remedies should be used as complementary treatment with the advice or supervision of a doctor. Individuals experiencing prostate issues should consult a healthcare professional.