Tar soap, commonly used in natural skin and hair care, is a product you can easily make at home with your own ingredients. In this article, we'll share the steps and necessary materials for making tar soap at home, providing you with the answer to how to make tar soap.

- 950 grams of olive oil
- 300 grams of water
- 130 grams of caustic soda (lye)
- 50 grams of tar
- Protective gloves and mask


1. Carefully mix the water and caustic soda. Perform this step outdoors, away from children, and use protective gloves and a mask as the mixture can release toxic fumes. Let the mixture cool to room temperature.

2. Once the water-caustic soda mixture has cooled, slowly add it to the olive oil and stir for about 45 minutes until the mixture reaches a pudding-like consistency.

3. When the desired consistency is achieved, add 50 grams of tar and mix thoroughly.

4. Pour the soap mixture into a mold and let it sit for 2 days.

5. After removing from the mold, cut the soap into bars and let the cut pieces sit in a sun-free area for at least 4 weeks.

6. After 4 weeks, your hardened soaps will be ready for use.

Tar soap helps cleanse the skin, eliminate bacteria, reduce acne and blackheads, and give the skin a radiant and lively appearance. Additionally, it is effective for skin conditions such as scabies, psoriasis, and eczema.

Making tar soap at home is a great option for natural skincare. By making your own soaps, you can take a step towards a healthy and natural lifestyle. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more homemade soap recipes and natural skincare tips!