If u want to experience the ocean refreshment at shower, In this soap recipe, we give to you how can u make this very good and natural soap at home.

Indergent for Ocean Wave Soap Recipe

Blue Soap Pigments (1 teaspoon)
White Soap Pigments (1 teaspoon)
10 Drops Aleovera
10 Drops mint oil
42 grams of frozen distilled water
18 grams NAOH (LYE) sodium hydroxside
140 grams of olive oil
1 pinch salt

Naoh is harmful chemical. So u must to attention to make at home. You should be very careful. should kept away from children and out doors. Do this absolutely outdoors, by wearing a mask, use gloves and wearing safety goggles.

Ocean wave soap making

- Prapere lye solution. Stir well water and sodium hydroxide (lye). Mix to lye and distilled water wery well. I will heat up quickly. Then Wait for lye solition cool to room temperature.

- Mix to all oils (Olive oil, aleovera and mint oil).

- Add lye solition into the oil by stirring.Throw salt in a pinch and mix for about 30 minutes until the mixture has the pudding consistency.

- Divide the soap mixture into two. (we say this 1 and 2)

- The one of them divide again into two. (2 will be 3 and 4)

- Pour blue soap pigments into the half low mix.(into the 3) Do the same to the order. Put into white soap pigment the other low mix.(into the 4) Stir well.

- Now let's make the ocean wave shape sob. Pour the mixture of 1 into the mold.

- In order, top up into a straight line first, then the blue colored mixture(3) after that white mixture(4).

- With the aid of a stick (for mix) insert the soap straight into the bowl and mix two rounds of the soap in the center and give the soap ocean wave shape internally.

- Homemade ocean wave soap recipe is ready to saponification reaction.

- Keep the soap mold in a cool, dry place for about 6 weeks. After the six weeks u will use homemade Ocean Wave Soap.

If u want to follow the steps of ocean soap recipe, u can watch video under the page.Waiting for you to subscribe to uor Youtube channel for 30 diffirent soap recipe videos.