
Soft and Fluffy Flatbread Recipe

If you're wondering how to make soft flatbread or looking for a recipe, our Quick Flatbread Recipe is perfect for you. You'll be able to make soft and fluffy flatbreads quickly and brighten up your breakfast table. You'll love the softness and taste of this regional delicacy.

Ingredients for Flatbread Recipe:
- 6 cups of flour (the amount may vary depending on the quality of the flour)
- 2 cups of water
- Half a cup of vegetable oil
- 4 tablespoons of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 packet of instant yeast

How to Make Flatbread in a Pan:
1. In 6 cups of flour, create a well in the middle and add 2 cups of water and half a cup of vegetable oil. Then add 1 packet of instant yeast, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 4 tablespoons of sugar. Knead until you have a slightly sticky flatbread dough.

2. After kneading well, cover and let it ferment for at least 2 hours.

3. Roll the fermented dough into a large roll and cut it into small pieces.

4. Roll out each piece into a circular shape, dusting with flour to prevent sticking.

5. Cook the rolled-out flatbreads on a dry, preheated pan, flipping them until both sides are golden brown.

6. Serve hot and enjoy!

We prepared this flatbread recipe with instant yeast for its practicality. The soft and fluffy flatbreads, with their delicious taste and golden brown finish, will leave you wanting more. Additionally, flatbread recipe in a pan is very convenient. Bal and butter complement these hot flatbreads wonderfully.

For those who want to see the process, we've added a video of making flatbread in a pan below the recipe. If you liked this recipe, you can check out similar ones like Lahmacun Recipe or Bakery-Style Pastry Recipe, or subscribe to our Amazing Home Cooking YouTube channel for different pastry recipes.

Flatbread Recipe Video

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