Head lice are visible, blood-sucking parasites found on the human scalp. They require human blood to live and reproduce. These creatures are most commonly found in hair and can easily spread, especially among children in crowded environments like schools. However, there is also a possibility of lice transferring to clean hair, and it can be challenging to eliminate them from long hair. It's important to remember that lice do not appear spontaneously; they are transmitted from one person to another through hair contact. Additionally, they can cause itching on the scalp and neck.

If you prefer not to use chemical creams or substances like gasoline for lice treatment, you can create your own natural lice cream at home. Here is a completely natural method:

Our main ingredient will be mayonnaise. Mix about 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise with 5 drops of peppermint oil and another 5 drops of lavender oil. Peppermint and lavender oil scents are disliked by lice, and this mixture helps in the death of lice on the hair. Moreover, these two oils nourish the hair strands and scalp, alleviating the negative effects left by the lice.

Apply this mixture to your hair like a conditioner, and wrap your hair with plastic wrap or a cap, leaving it for about 1 hour. Then, wash and rinse your hair thoroughly. Adding a bit of vinegar to the rinsing water helps in effectively removing lice eggs.

After applying the cream, comb your hair thoroughly with a fine-toothed lice comb, starting from the roots. This way, you can observe that the dead lice easily separate from the hair.

Remember that since this lice cream is made with natural ingredients, it can spoil over time, so it's important to prepare a fresh mixture for each use.

This natural lice cream also nourishes and revitalizes your hair. The lavender oil in it helps in correcting and repairing the lice-induced damage on the scalp.

By trying out this recipe, which offers an effective solution for those who want to get rid of head lice through natural methods, you can enjoy healthy days.