Ironwood sherbet, one of the unique flavors of Ottoman cuisine, is still a popular and healthy beverage today. Especially preferred during Ramadan, this sherbet adorns tables with its natural ingredients and delicious taste. Here's a natural ironwood sherbet recipe that you can easily prepare at home:

- 5 liters of water
- 500 grams of ironwood
- 2 pieces of dried ginger root
- 7 sticks of cinnamon
- 5 pieces of cubeb
- 9 cloves

1. First, take 2 liters of hot water in a pot and add half a kilogram of crushed ironwood. Add the ironwood to the water by breaking it into pieces and let it steep for about half an hour.
2. After the ironwood is thoroughly cleansed in the water, add seven sticks of cinnamon, two pieces of dried ginger root, nine cloves, and five cubeb to it.
3. Then, add a total of 5 liters of water to the pot to complete the mixture.
4. Cook the mixture over medium heat until it boils. Once it starts boiling, add about two cups of sugar and cook for another half an hour.
5. After the cooking process is complete, remove it from the heat and let the mixture sit at room temperature for at least six hours.
6. After the waiting period, strain the mixture and let it rest in the refrigerator for a while.
7. Before serving cold, prepare your ironwood sherbet as a refreshing beverage.

**Enjoy your meal!**

In addition to being a refreshing beverage with its natural ingredients, ironwood sherbet also attracts attention with its blood-boosting properties due to its ironwood content. By easily preparing this delicious Ottoman sherbet at home, you can share it with your loved ones and sweeten your special moments. We wish you healthy and delicious days ahead!